Beach Prep – What I do to prepare for a beach vacay

( PS. This image above is totally clickable!!!
Just click the item and it will take you right to where you purchase the product. Brilliant, I know.

Hiiii! Welcome to Vogue and a Latte!

I am currently sipping coffee while staring at a white sand beach with my bf. Does life get any better? The exciting thing about blogging ( and making money from blogging ) is that it doesn’t even feel like work most of the time. Writing this post while on a vacay, without distractions, is SO fun. I thought I would share with you guys some of my tips and tricks for prepping for your upcoming beach trip! Whether that be spring break, a weekend getaway, or just summer approaching.

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Friday Product Favorite: Glossier Super Pure

Happy Friday babes!!

It’s the end of the week and what brightens the weekend more than a brand new beauty product that you can look forward to showing up on your doorstep early next week when you are hitting that workweek slump… Nothing. Enter: Glossier Super Pure.

This potion (yes, I just said potion because it is a mixture that works wonders) contains Niacinamide and and Zinc PCA. If you’re like me when I first read those words, you are confused but also curious. So, I did a little bit of reading. According to the Glossier website, Niacinamide is, “also known as Vitamin B3” and, it has a, “powerful soothing action at the source of redness.” And the other key ingredient to this serum, Zinc PCA, “penetrates pores to help clear out impurities and excess sebum that can cause blemishes. Adding zinc is like giving your skin a calming massage to help it rest, recharge, and let go of built-up agitation.” And man, are these mixtures magical!

Glossier also claims that Super Pure is “hypoallergenic, dermatologist-tested, paraben free, fragrance free, appropriate for all skin types, cruelty free.” All of those claims are super bold but shows the confidence that Glossier has in their products! And you guys know how important cruelty free products are to me.

Period breakouts? Apply some serum. Eat a bunch of fries? Apply this serum. Day drink with your bffs all weekend? This serum is for you!!

I mean really, I notice a difference the day after I use it. I wash my face at night before I head to bed and I let the serum settle in and when I wake up in the morning, there is a noticeable reduction of redness on my face!

Glossier Super Pure Serum –> click here!!!


So happy Friday and I hope you enjoy your magical serum! As usual, if you bought this product and LOVED it like I did, I want to hear! <3
Follow along with the fun times this weekend on Snapchat or Instagram – @MadisonCrowley

‘Til next time,
Autumn in November

Beauty Roundup: 9 Beauty Must Haves

Welcome to Forge A Frenzy babes!
I love being productive and I really really love starting a new week refreshed from a full yet relaxing weekend. That includes blogging away the day about my favorite beauty finds!

Mini side note: I have recently joined ClassPass. If you haven’t heard about ClassPass, here’s a recap: ClassPass is a nation-wide company that allows you to take a wide array of workout classes, from dozens of different studios, and places the classes and reservations all in one place! They have locations in all major cities and even some smaller ones as well. You sign up, choose your location, and then begin browsing all of the available classes and their times that work best for you. There are 3 different types of memberships with varying prices that allow a certain amount of classes per month and a certain amount of visits to an individual studio per month. I chose the largest membership deal because I need to get hella toned for this SoCal summer that is quickly approaching. The largest option is $115 a month for 10 classes! With up to 3 available visits per studio. I’m obsessed. I’ve been doing barre and pilates like its my JOB since I started. It’s also an excuse to get a cute new gym bag (;

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Cyber Monday + Last Minute Black Friday

Happy post-Thanksgiving week frenzies!!

I hope you all had a wonderful day/week with the people that you love, celebrating all that  you have to be thankful for.

In the spirit of the holidays that comes with Thanksgiving for my family and I, my brain is now fixed on the people that I want to buy to buy Christmas gifts for! And also for some super sweet deals on items that I have been eyeing for a while…

In order to help with your shoppings lists, for others and just to treat yourself, I thought I would compile a list of my favorite Cyber Monday stops. And also throw in some Black Friday deals that have lasted throughout the weekend.

*Click the capitalized name of each shop for a link to their main website.

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