V&L Must-Have: VII Code Oxygen Eye Cream

Welcome back to V&L <3 

I am so excited to share this amazing eye cream that I have been using for the last two weeks, and now cannot live without!!! VII Code has an amazing oxygen eye cream formula that reduces wrinkles and under eye circles in just a week or two. I noticed a visible difference in my crows feet by my eyes, this stuff is incredible. Skin is firm and GLOWY, y’all.

From the VII Code website (much more official, you want this info straight from them): “T2 Oxygen Eye Cream O3.0 uses an “exclusive ‘T2’stone mortar extraction process”, which facilitates the healing and regeneration of damaged skin cells near the eyes by protecting this delicate area of the face and by fading away the first visible signs of aging.”

These key ingredients shine in this delightful cream:

  • Elderberries: Anti-oxidant content maintains the skin cells, leaving you with glowing, younger skin.
  • Jojoba Oil: Not only firms and keeps your skin hydrated, but also useful in lessening the appearance of skin wrinkles. Rich in antioxidants, which help regenerate the skin cells.
  • Evening Primrose: Boosts blood circulation, which is helpful to treat tired skin and eyes and is especially effective in removing wrinkles.

Incredible for under eye bags, wrinkles, and overall glow! I look forward to putting this eye cream on at night and waking up feeling rejuvenated and glowy. Who doesn’t want to feel glowy when they wake up?

One of my other favorite things about this eye cream is that it absorbs right into my skin. It doesn’t leave an oily residue that gets all over my eyes and face. I love that I can put it on and feel the moisture sink into my skin. It also comes in the cutest little bag that is transportable and fancy.

This eye cream would make the perfect Christmas gift or stocking stuffer for your wife/girlfriend/bff – you know you are still looking for something to add under the tree!

Let me know when y’all try out this eye cream, I can’t wait to hear about how much you love it!! In the meantime, keep up with me on socials @MadisonCrowley <3 

’till next time, 
xx, Madison


Tabs I have open 24/7… And why I can’t let them go.

It’s Friday Eve! Isn’t that the best feeling ever? Thanks for popping into V&L. Hope ya like it. Explore around, search some terms, read up on who I am. I am always ready to chat so DM me on Insta ( @MadisonCrowley ) if you feel like being bffs.

This was a post that I randomly thought about one night as I was closing multiple tabs before ending my work for the day night. I realized there were so many that I keep open and frequently use so I wanted to give those a shoutout. I am going to start polling about blog posts because I want to know what YOU guys want to read about. Have any questions or topics that you want me to research? Please let me know so I can write about them!

Most of these tabs are super useful!! I keep a lot open so y’all may be slightly stressed by this. BUT I have most of them “pinned” so that they don’t take up alllllll of the room on my browser.
Let’s jump in.

Google Docs: I am always thinking, writing, and brainstorming so I always have a Google doc up. I categorize with a few different keywords like V&L | Brand or V&L | Blog Ideas and then if I am doing work for my internships I will do C&C | Partnerships or if I am researching a new oil I will do YL | Notes. So you get the idea. Everything in its place! And Google docs are perfect because I can be typing up a post on my computer and then have to run out the door and can finish on my phone. I love that I never have to worry about losing my work and I can always share the docs with someone if I want to collaborate or share what I have been working on.

Coolors: This website is way too exciting if you are a blogger or into branding. I could spend hours on this site going through color palettes and finding new tones of blush to fawn over. You can also install a coolors plugin onto your bookmark bar and go through with a “picker” that allows you to pick the colors from your favorites brands and websites to see just what colors they are using to define their brand.

Virtual Office: I always have VO up so that I can check on what my business babes are up to or look up an oil to see what it’s benefits are and what it does. I am constantly finding new Young Living products that I want to add to my home or oil collection. There is really an oil for everything and I love finding them. Virtual Office keeps track of how big my paychecks are going to be!

V&L Stats: Alllllways using this! I love to see where people come to my blog from and what they click on after they get there. A lot of people use Google Analytics, I need to start using it as well. But for now, I just use the stats that come with WordPress and I devour them. I like to see what people search and what items they click because that really helps me write content that not only I like but what YOU guys like.

Facebook: Let’s be real, I find myself scrolling waaaaaay too often. I normally catch myself doing it and then close FB and then go right back when I remember that there is something I need to do. FB holds all of my Bachelor groups and secret oily groups filled with my gfs who I use oils with so I am always finding inspo from them or a new recipe that I want to try, hence what always pulls me back to Facebook. I am working on sharing more of my life on FB as well, I just want to connect with you people!!!

Back & forth between H+H and TSC Relentless post: As all of you guys know, I finally made the move to start a blog in 2016 after reading Hustle + Halcyon for the first time!!! Payton is my fave and every time I need inspo or need to remember why I started blogging I head to hers and am instantly inspired by her realness. That’s exactly what I want to be for my followers – real. No bs over here. Life can be hard and life can be wonderful. I want to share it alllll. I also fell in love with the word relentless from Lauryn Evart’s post on The Skinny Confidential. I’ve linked it here so you can read and I am writing up my own post with info on the word that moves me. It may be a long time coming since I want it to be perfect. #perfectionistbloggerprobs

Canva: Being a blogger means making tonnnnns of graphics! I love making graphics and making my blog posts pop. It’s super fun for me. I make all kinds of things on Canva. Social media posts, labels, my media kit, you name it and it has probably come from Canva. I made the pic at the top of this post with Canva!

Honorable Mentions:

V&L Email / Yahoo Mail / Intern Email: Emails, emails, and more emails. Never a day where I’m not constantly checking my email. Personal, work, internship. There is always something going on!

Instagram: Engaging on Insta is SO much easier on a desktop. I like typing on my computer so much more than on my phone. I actually hate typing on my phone LOL.

Amazon: I am always popping things into my cart. Prime is life.

Nordstrom: Allllllways browsing as a blogger. And a gal who likes to window shop.

Well, there ya have it! My most frequently used / always open tabs on my browser! Hope you guys got a glimpse into my world and what I do on the daily. I am always googling and researching and looking things up so this definitely isn’t all that I use but it sums it up super well. What tabs do you always have open? AM I MISSING SOMETHING? I need to know. Share your tabs with me by commenting or whatever way you like to share.

‘Til next time,Autumn in November

Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats

I am all about eating healthy and I am all about eating healthy EASILY. If it is too much work and I am not in the mood, I will chose unhealthy snacks/meals over the healthy ones. And that is not the right move! I am currently trying to eliminate dairy completely from my diet, which is horrible considering pizza is a main food group in my book. My go-to breakfast and snack currently is overnight oats! They are healthy, filling, and EASY. I have many different recipes that I rotate but the one I have chosen to showcase today is an apply cinnamon situation.

Early morning meeting?  Needing a quick meal before pilates? This is the perfect option.
It is easy to make multiple different recipes the night before and have your choice of flavor waiting for you the next day.

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Pastel Maxi in Athens


Soooooo it turns out that running a blog while having a full-time job AND packing up your childhood house to move across the country is not the easiest task. I have so many wonderful ideas and outfits, but making everything happen is just a whole heck of a lot. There will be much  more excitement to come as I begin to finish up deciding what memories to keep and begin traveling across the country, making many stops along the way!

Recapping on my wonderful trip to Athens with my bestie in this perfectly colored maxi! We took a day trip to my perfect college town and hit all of my favorite boutiques, ate yummy food, and got to see some friends that I haven’t seen since I graduated. It was a super fun, relaxing, and productive day.

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An Introduction to the Frenzy

IMG_0034 IMG_0039Hi blogger beauties!

As this is my first post, I’m sure there is something that I will forget to add or mess up or not proof read, but hey, practice makes perfect and they didn’t make the editing tool for nothing.

I’m gonna go ahead and throw it out there that this blog as been a L O N G time coming and absolutely a work in progress. I think as far as internet presence goes, first impressions and appearances are possibly two of the most important characteristics of a blog aka the two most terrifying characteristics for a perfectionist like myself. But the “what if’s” and the longing for a creative outlet that could encompass all the thoughts that run sprint through my mind at 100 MPH took over the need for perfection and here we are, at Forge A Frenzy.

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